The military isn’t just for men.

Welcome to

If you’re thinking about trading in your high heels for combat boots, I’m here to tell you, you can wear both and you should.

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Welcome to the Military

I wanted to create a safe space where people can come together and share their military experiences. Whether you are a servicemember, veteran, former member family member, or supporter of our military, I ask you to send me the stories that defined your experiences with the military. I leave it to you whether to share your accomplishments, the challenges you faced or something unforgettable from your time in the military. Who knows, your story may get featured on my blog, future podcast, or even in my novel, Breaking the Glass Ceiling. Either way, it will inspire me and others who commit to the military life.

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laptop computer on glass-top table

How Did We Get Here?

Maybe you’re looking for someone, need something, feel a connection, or are just plain curious. Whatever the reason that brought you here, I am excited we found each other. 

A lot has happened over the last 28 years, so much has changed, but many of us have been effected by a strong and deeply rooted stigma, that it’s sometimes terrifying.

How did I keep from drowning in the dark waters?  I found others along the way who understood my challenges, validated my strength, and encouraged me through my struggles.

It has taken me a long time to realize my voice matters. I am brave. My mistakes and failures are successes and achievements in disguise. 

Thank you for joining me and sharing your journey. Together, we are powerful.


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